I welcome other students so I wanted to give you an overview here. And I was going to make some fancy slides here but I just wanted to show you exactly you know d what
we what we’re going to be covering here in discourse even if you forgot or maybe you didn’t you’d even if you did look at it at the beginning of the introduction.
So we’re going to you know start learning about the fundamentals of PH being the first steps. some data types construct control structures we’re asked to do with decision making custom functions that we can create our own.
We are going to be also learning about built-in functions that PHP has that we can use right out of the box how to use form data or how to submit information using a form.
I don’t know if you’ve ever seen that on the Web sites where you can put your name your address and things like that.
So we’re going to learn how to do that then we’re going to learn how to do that. We’ve been with databases. So databases you know we’re going to be able to learn to insert that information into databases. Then we’re going to talk a little bit about PHP security then PHP and the Web.
We’re going to talk a little bit and we’re going to learn a lot. Actually 10 lectures here so far about PHP object-oriented programming. How to make objects with PHP. Right now what we are learning is procedural.
This is just writing a program from up to down and you know but when we are writing a program in the object we into programming we deal with objects and you guys need to know that.
So I include that section about that then we can also work with files just like any other language just like Job I will see that controls files in your computer like making directories and things like reading files PHP can do as well. So we can learn how to do that.
Then after we learn all the fundamentals we can jump into the CMS project and in the CMS project, this is where the fun begins. This is where you’re going to be learning a lot of things.
Even things that really show you the fundamentals you’re going to be learning it here because we’re going to build a really cool project that you can use yourself and in the end, we’re going to launch until 9.
So it’s going to be pretty awesome because here you’re going to learn so much like real life stuff that is very hard to get in a course so I try to put as many features as possible in this project.
The CMs project like I showed you in the demo is an application where we can do anything we want. Basically very similar to WordPress. We’re going to build categories.
We’re going to post comments on users so they can log in. They’re going to have their own profile their own dashboard with some really cool features in there. We’re going to be improving it if we’re going to be adding some extra features in this section.
Here is a whole bunch of features that we’re going to be adding to it. Then we are going to have another user registration here we’ll show you how to do it first. We’re going to have a user registration year extra stuff pagination. We’re going to build a little feature here with users online. We are going to learn a new way of creating a password encryption system. We’re going to be improving the common system that we created first.
We’re going to have a lot of cool things here. We’re going to even be able to send e-mails. We’re going to be using third party packages as we do in real-life applications. We’re going to take it to the Internet. We’re going to launch this show you how to do that.
There are some extra features here that I include. And then we also have a section where we feel fits a lot of boxes or you know problems our kerning our applications.
And we’re going to be doing some refactoring meaning that we’re going to be taking some of that complicated code we’re going to make it simple and better new registration system.
We’re going to create pretty you or else a new forgot password system And this is just extra features that I keep adding in the end. Well, it could be. Maybe we have any extra sections after watching this video but we’re going to have some real-time notifications here with a third-party package called a pusher. So that’s going to be pretty awesome.
So we’re going to keep adding things as tango goes. So you know you guys have more value in this course than any other course out there. So hopefully this overview here helps you know where you want to go. And I’ll see you in the next lecture guys.
Take care.